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Healthy Vegetarian Foods

Kachoomer/Shredded Salad

My sons refer to this as an “Indian Salad” and they firmly believe that it cannot and should not be eaten with anything  other than a curry, however I think it is an amazing salad, packed with so many colourful ingredients, lots of flavour and texture. I do serve this salad with all my curry dishes, but I also like to serve it with toasted sandwiches.

With this recipe there is no “hard & fast” rule with regards to quantity and choice of ingredients for the salad and the dressing, it can all be adusted to suit your personal choice and taste.

Shredded Salad

250ml grated carrots

125ml thinly sliced yellow & red pepper

100ml grated radish

50ml finely sliced red onions

100ml sliced cucumbers

100ml sliced tomatoes (mini rosa)

175ml finely shredded iceberg lettuce


 50ml finely chopped mint

25 ml vinegar

25ml olive oil

25ml toasted sesame seeds

3ml finely chopped green chilli (optional)


  1. Place all of the salad ingredients in a large bowl and toss after each addition
  2. Whisk the dressing ingredients and pour over the salad and toss lightly
  3. Sprinkle the toasted seeds just before serving
  4. This salad can be served with a biryani  or any curry dish




Comments: 6

  • 23/10/2012

    Hi there, I can imagine this is wonderful with curries but I can also see it would accompany most things successfully.

  • 23/10/2012

    I also have to agree with your sons….perfect for curries!!

    • 24/10/2012

      Thanks Nina, they would love to know you shared their opinion.

  • 24/10/2012

    Bar the onions, this is my type of salad and something I would love at lunch time 🙂

    • 24/10/2012

      Thanks Tandy, & with some added seeds like pumking or sunflower it is really good

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